Built six centuries after the Age of the Egyptian Pyramid’s Builders

“The pyramids of Mexico”... Symbol of Mexicans’ sanctification the sun and the moon

Since the cradle of civilization, there are many different civilizations flourished on the earth. One of which dissolved and the other was in a rapid bloom, the rise of one civilization was after the fall of another, and between this rise and the fall, there are some traces that remain as a point of convergence between the past and the present.  So we see some similarities between those different civilizations, even though it differed in goals and values.

In the past, many people inquired about the relationship between Egypt’s Pharaonic civilization, which described as the mother of civilizations, and the civilizations beyond the Atlantic Ocean.

Eighteen centuries ago, more than six centuries after the end of the Age of the Egyptian Pyramid’s Builders, the Aztecs, the indigenous peoples of the Americas before the European conquest, built their first capital, the city of Teotihuacan, to remain the capital of that state for more than five centuries, from 200 until its fall by Toltec tribes in 750 AD. This city was significantly influenced by the Egyptian civilization in building the pyramids as a model of worship on its land.

When the ancient Egyptians took the pyramids as tombs for their kings, the Aztecs established the pyramids of the sun and the moon to worship their Gods, as temples of religious rituals and ceremonies. The pyramids of Aztecs represented the link between men on Earth and Gods in heaven, so it was built on high ground, like the pyramids of the sun and the moon, to name a few, in Teotihuacan, 40 km north-east of Mexico City.

The city of Teotihuacan is approximately 12 km2, located 2,300 meters above sea level. It is built on two sides of a straight road, which has a religious connotation. It has a two-and-a-half kilometer long road, called the Avenue of the Dead, the mysterious city abandoned by its original inhabitants after the arrival of the Aztec people, who thought that the builders of this city are not human, and for the Aztecs it became the legendary city. The name of the city means “birthplace of the gods”, or “place where gods were born”, in the indigenous people language.

On the eastern side of the Avenue of the Dead in the city, the Great Pyramid of the Sun is located, the largest pyramid in the city of Teotihuacan and the third largest pyramid in the world. It was built by the indigenous people of Teotihuacan in order to sacrifice one of their gods. It was constructed in two phases. The first construction stage, around the first century AD, brought the pyramid to nearly the size it is today. The second round of construction saw an altar atop of the pyramid, in order to offer the human hearts as offerings to the gods, through which the name of God and the pyramid could be determined, but that did not happen. Its original name stills the temple of the sun. With the beginning of the third century AD, The Adosada platform was added to the pyramid.

The pyramid of the sun is a huge artificial mountain, with a base measures 50 thousand M2 per side, almost the area of the base of the pyramid Khufu in Egypt, its height 63 M, while the height of Khufu pyramid nearly 147 M. The pyramid consists of five stepped terraces reaching a height of some 240 stairs. At the top of the pyramid there is a temple of the sun god.

Some believe that the pyramid of the sun is built on a point in the horizon where the sun sets in the summer solstice, so tourists come to according to popular myth, from everywhere in the white cloths on the day of spring equinox, to see the first ray of the sun. The pyramid of the sun according to the Aztec doctrine symbolizes fertility.

Near the Pyramid of the Sun, specifically at the northern end of the Avenue of the Dead, there is the second largest pyramid in the city, the pyramid of the moon, some have called it Tenan, which in Nahuatl, means “mother or protective stone”. The Pyramid of the Moon covers a structure older than the Pyramid of the Sun. There are number of pyramids beside it and smaller platforms, it was built of stones, consists of a solid pyramid, surrounded by two other, its highest about 40 meters, or about 25% of Khufu pyramid.

Evidence has been found of some individuals who were sacrificed in the ceremony to honor their gods. Archaeologists have excavated and have done geological survey of the city, in order to reach the catacombs and rooms with hidden secrets to know more information. They discovered a secret tunnel at a depth of 10 meters below the base of the pyramid of the Moon.   According to the archeologist and historian Veronica Ortega, there is a clear evidence that the people of Teotihuacan built their temples to emulate The Other World.

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